Improving Inter-Professional Communication
The three-day Improving Inter-Professional Communication: Working Effectively in Medical Teams course is designed for healthcare professionals whose communication and/or behavior has been identified as detrimental to medical team interactions. This course will help participants gain insight and develop strategies and skills to improve communication and collaboration.
There is also 5 1/2 hours of online pre-course work that needs be completed prior to the seminar. The pre-course work can be done at your convenience.
Seminar Schedule
Day 1:
5:30PM MT Sign On
6:00 Introductions/Seminar Schedule/Expectations
6:15 DiSC Behavior Profile: Insights in Effective Teaming
7:00 Action Plan
7:10 Motivation for Change: What’s Your Why?
7:17 Small group discussion
7:25 Day 1 Wrap up.
Day 2:
7:30 AM MT Sign On
08:00 Day 2 Intro
08:05 Behaviors That Undermine Teams
08:20 Personal Stories
09:50 Break
10:05 Personal Stories
11:35 Lunch Break
12:20 Creating a Culture of Accountability
12:35 Case Study Small Group Discussion
12:50 Report Out: Case Study Lg Group Discussion
12:55 Team Culture: Working Effectively in Teams
1:10 Break
1:25 Managing Conflict: Working Effectively in Teams
1:40 Small Group Practice: Managing Conflict
2:10 Report Out: Conflict Lg Group Discussion
2:15 Effective Repair: Working Effectively in Teams
2:30 Small Group Practice: Repair
2:45 SCARF: Using Neuroscience to Work Effectively with Others
3:00 SCARF Practice/Case Scenario
3:10 Day 2 Wrap Up
3:15 Session end
Day 3
7:30AM MT Sign On
08:00 Day 3 Intro/Agenda
08:05 Bite Sized Resilience: Cultivating Wellbeing in Medicine
08:20 Practice: Mindfulness Awareness
08:35 Review Action Plan
09:35 Break
09:55 Review Action Plans
10:55 Evaluation/Questions
11:10 Close