Welcome to CPEP

CPEP, the Center for Personalized Education for Professionals, is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping healthcare professionals perform at their best both clinically and professionally. CPEP was founded in 1990 by a coalition including the Colorado Medical Society, the Colorado Hospital Association, and University of Colorado School of Medicine.  

CPEP has 32 years of experience helping thousands of healthcare professionals from all 50 states and all Canadian provinces. Our professionalism resources provide assistance in areas such as inter-professional and clinician-patient communication, medical record keeping, and prescribing controlled substances as well as professional ethics and boundaries. Our assessment services include reentry to clinical practice evaluations, re-eligibility pathways, clinical skills assessments and more. 

At CPEP, you’ll be treated with the dignity and respect you deserve. We believe equity, diversity, and inclusion are a part of our mission and everything we do. We stand against racism and all forms of hate, and are committed to providing an environment that is free from discrimination and harassment.

So with that, welcome to CPEP. We’re glad you’re here.

For more information on CPEP resources, please visit www.cpepdoc.org.